Cookie Notice & Policy

This website, The Puzzle Doctor Interactive Games, is part of the website Please read our full cookie policy for the main site as it also applies to visitors who play interactive games.

In order to make sure we are collecting as little data as necessary, at The Puzzle Doctor Interactive Games we do not set additional cookies that are not related to game play. As with the main website, all cookies are necessary for functionality. We do not have third-party advertising, and we are not collecting information unless you choose to give it to us, such as when you purchase a puzzle book or other merchandise. And, nothing you give us will be sold to third parties.

Happy Puzzling!

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By continuing to interact with The Puzzle Doctor Interactive Games or, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. This includes any action such as clicking or scrolling while on any page.

If you would like to revoke cookies, you may do so.
Essential cookies will not be deleted. And, you will not be able to play games unless you accept cookies.